Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A-Z Wednesday-M

I wanted to do my this other book, The Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry but that starts with 'T'. So I am doing 'Mr. Gatling's Terrible Marvel' by Julia Keller.

In 1862, with the Civil War lapping at his doorstep, an Indianapolis inventor and businessman name Richard Jordan Gatling created the world's first working machine gun. He Naively hoped it would shorten or even eliminate war by reducing the number of soldiers needed to fight. The overwhelming effectiveness of a multiple-firing would, he reasoned, cause opponents, to throw in the towel. Instead, it kicked off a worldwide escalation in the armaments , business and opened a path toward modern gunnery, one that leads all the way to the AK-47.The Gatling Gun was the original weapon of mass destruction.


Yvonne said...

This looks like an interesting book.

Elisha German said...

Thats what I said when I saw the cover! lol.